10 Partner Agencies
Big Brothers/Big Sisters of America offers children the chance to reach their potential through professionally supported, one-to-one relationships with adult mentors.
411 W Main St Madison, IN 47250
Phone:(812) 273-0797
Website: https://www.bbbs.org
Promotes through organization and cooperation with other agencies, the ability of boys and girls to do things for themselves and others, to train them in Scoutcraft, and teach them patriotism, courage, selfreliance, and kindred virtues, using methods which are now in common use by Boy Scouts. Special programs in substance abuse, child abuse, literacy, and employability are a part of BSA programming.
Website: www.hoosiertrailsbsa.org
The Boys and Girls Club of Jefferson County is a not-for-profit organization that provides programs, services, activities, and special events for youth, adults, families, and senior citizens. The state-of-the-art facility has over 26,000 square feet under roof and is located south of the Jefferson County Health Department. The Club is conveniently located next to the Rucker Sports Complex, the Lion's Clubs' Playground-for-All- Children, and the Madison B-3 Skate Park. The Club is dedicated to promoting education, health, social development, vocational skills, recreation, family togetherness, and other life enriching opportunities. The Club has served the community and the youth of Madison, Jefferson County, and the surrounding communities since l954 and has been fulfilling its original mission "to inspire and enable all young people, especially those from disadvantaged circumstances, to realize their full potential as productive, responsible, and caring citizens". The Club has also expanded its programs and services to adults, families, and senior citizens. The Club is a member of Boys & Girls Clubs of America, the Indiana Alliance of Boys & Girls Clubs, the Indiana Area Council of Boys & Girls Clubs of Ohio, Kentucky, and Indiana (O.K.I.), and is a proud member of the Jefferson County United Way.
Phone:(812) 265-5811
Email: bgcjeffersonin@gmail.com
Website: www.lidewhite.com
For more than 50 years, Englishton Park’s Summer Camp has helped children to improve classroom performance and behavior through an innovative program that focuses on positive reinforcement.
Website: https://www.englishtonpark.com/
Phone: 812-889-2046
Location Address: 2369 S. English Drive Lexington, IN 47138
Inspiring all girls to be strong, smart, and bold is the mission of Girls Incorporated of Jefferson County. The programs at Girls Inc. are research-based, field tested, and evaluated for girls ages 5-18 and empower girls to live and succeed in an inequitable world. The after school and summer programming compensates for the gender discrimination girls encounter in society, enabling them to overcome barriers to reaching their full potential. Girls Inc. is truly dedicated to the betterment of the lives of the girls and young women in our community.
Phone:(812) 265-5863
Email: girlsincmadison@gmail.com
Website: www.girlsincmadison.org
La Casa Amiga is a place to help Spanish-speaking newcomers gain access to the services they need and become active participants of the community. It is also a place for the community to appreciate what the other cultures from the Hispanic world bring us. We help in the following ways: English classes, bilingual library and weekly bilingual story hour, translations and interpretations, medical and legal needs, job placement, housing, vocational training and education, counseling in nutrition, budgeting, family matters, substance abuse education, emergency childcare, identification cards, Spanish/English social events and cultural awareness programs.
Phone:(812) 273-2394
Email: kloepfershirley@gmail.com
Lifetime Resources provides services to help maintain health, independence and quality of life for persons of all ages, with emphasis on the older adults, persons with disabilities, and their caregivers. Some services are provided on the basis of the individual's frail health and/or economic and social need. Services include public transportation, housing, Meals on Wheels, senior nutrition activity centers, in-home health care, homemaker assistance, Ombudsman, senior employment, LifeTime 2-1-1 / Information and Referral, Guardianship, Representative Payee Service, Long Term Care Options Counseling, and more.
Phone:(812) 432-5215
Website: www.lifetime-resources.org
Safe Passage provides free, confidential assistance for those facing domestic violence. They offer support, counseling, court and legal advocacy, emergency residential shelter, community education, professional training and Teen Dating Violence Programs.
24 hour helpline: 877-733-1990
Website: www.safepassageinc.org
The Salvation Army is a religious-charitable organization that is dedicated to the task of meeting the physical, emotional, and spiritual needs of mankind. The Salvation Army is a helping hand to the homeless, transients, and provides emergency family aid to the residents of Jefferson County. They provide meals daily to the general public and once a month to elderly and shut-ins. The Salvation Army does crafts, tutoring, day outings, youth camps, and summer day camp. They provide disaster assistance, aiding with food, clothing and shelter. They provide counseling for families of addicts and prisoners, and treatment programs for addicts.
Location Address: 331 E. Main St., Madison, Indiana 47250
Phone:(812) 265-2157
Website: samadison.org
The U.S.O., with our help, provides a "home away from home" for many young people now in service from Jefferson County.
Website: www.uso.org
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